AdviseRight is a new technology platform that will enhance and document every part of your sales process:
Needs Determination Wizard - This (optional) Fact Finder will help you collect your client's information pertaining to their financial situation, risk tolerance and goals. The info will be saved to ensure every step of the sales process is thoroughly documented.
Product Suggestions - The system will suggest suitable products based on the answers gathered during the needs determination.
Electronic Applications - select a product and the E-Application will instantly load, already pre-populated with the client info you collected during the needs determination. Fill in the remaining required fields, click submit, and the app will get transmitted directly to the carrier. Dozens of carriers are supported.
CRM Integration - AdviseRight® integrates with Less Annoying CRM, helping you speed up the data entry process. CLICK HERE to sign up for this award-winning CRM.
AdviseRight® is available at NO COST, exclusively to the agents and advisors of Western Marketing.